
interface XmlReader : Closeable, Iterator<EventType> (source)

Interface that is the entry point to the xml parsing. All implementations implement this interface, generally by delegating to a platform specific parser.



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abstract val attributeCount: Int
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abstract val depth: Int
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abstract val encoding: String?
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abstract val eventType: EventType
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abstract val isStarted: Boolean
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abstract val localName: String
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abstract val locationInfo: String?

Get some information on the current location in the file. This is implementation dependent.

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open val name: QName
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The current namespace context

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abstract val namespaceURI: String
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abstract val piData: String

Data for processing instructions.

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abstract val piTarget: String

Target for processing instructions.

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abstract val prefix: String
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abstract val standalone: Boolean?
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abstract val text: String
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abstract val version: String?


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Get the next text sequence in the reader. This will skip over comments and ignorable whitespace (starting the content), but not tags. Any tags encountered with cause an exception to be thrown. It can either be invoked when in a start tag to return all text content, or on a content element to include it (if text or cdata) and all subsequent siblings.

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abstract override fun close()
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Differs from .siblingsToFragment in that it skips the current event.

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Read the current element (and content) only into a fragment.

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abstract fun getAttributeLocalName(index: Int): String
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open fun getAttributeName(index: Int): QName
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abstract fun getAttributeNamespace(index: Int): String
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abstract fun getAttributePrefix(index: Int): String
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abstract fun getAttributeValue(index: Int): String
open fun getAttributeValue(name: QName): String?
abstract fun getAttributeValue(nsUri: String?, localName: String): String?
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abstract fun getNamespacePrefix(namespaceUri: String): String?
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abstract fun getNamespaceURI(prefix: String): String?
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abstract operator override fun hasNext(): Boolean
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open fun isCharacters(): Boolean

Is the currrent element character content

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fun XmlReader.isElement(elementname: QName): Boolean

fun XmlReader.isElement(type: EventType, elementname: QName): Boolean
fun XmlReader.isElement(elementNamespace: String?, elementName: String, elementPrefix: String? = null): Boolean
fun XmlReader.isElement(type: EventType, elementNamespace: String?, elementName: String, elementPrefix: String? = null): Boolean

Check that the current state is a start element for the given name. The mPrefix is ignored.

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open fun isEndElement(): Boolean
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Is the current element a start element

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open fun isWhitespace(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun next(): EventType
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open fun nextTag(): EventType

Get the next tag. This must call next, not use the underlying stream.

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From a start tag read the text only content of the element. Comments are allowed and handled, but subtags are not allowed. This tag finishes at the end of the element.

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open fun require(type: EventType, name: QName?)
open fun require(type: EventType, namespace: String?, name: String?)
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Read the current element (and content) and all its siblings into a fragment.

Read the current element (and content) and all its siblings into a fragment.

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From a start element, skip all element content until the corresponding end element has been read. After invocation the end element has just been read (and would be returned on relevant state calls).

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Skil the preamble events in the stream reader

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Write the current event to the writer. This will not move the reader.