Create a new SparseMatrix that is a copy of the original.
Create a new SparseMatrix with the given size and intialization function. It also requires a validate function
The width of the matrix
The height of the matrix
An initialization function that sets the values for the matrix.
Create a SparseBooleanMatrix initialized with the given value
Width of the matrix
Height of the matrix
The function initializing the matrix
Create a new SparseMatrix with the given size and intialization function. It also requires a validate function
The width of the matrix
The height of the matrix
An value for the non-sparse elements of the matrix
A function that is used to determine whether a particular coordinate is contained in the matrix.
Create a MutableBooleanMatrix initialized with the default value of the Boolean type (0
Width of the matrix
Height of the matrix
Function that determines which cells are part of the matrix
Create a MutableSparseBooleanMatrix initialized with the given value
Width of the matrix
Height of the matrix
The initial value for the elements
The function that determines whether a given cell is valid.
Create a new SparseMatrix subclass instance with the given size and intialization function. It also requires a validate function
The width of the matrix
The height of the matrix
A function that is used to determine whether a particular coordinate is contained in the matrix.
An initialization function that sets the values for the matrix.
Create a MutableSparseBooleanMatrix initialized with the given value
Width of the matrix
Height of the matrix
The function initializing the matrix
The function that determines whether a given cell is valid.