
Interface representing a mutable matrix containing specialised for boolean values.



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object Companion : MutableMatrixCompanion<Boolean>

The companion object contains factory functions to create new instances with initialization.


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The indices of all columns in the matrix

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open val height: Int

The height of the matrix. This is effectively the same as maxWidth.

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open override val indices: Iterable<Coordinate>

Specialised version of indices that doesn't check validity.

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abstract val maxHeight: Int

The maximum x coordinate that is valid

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abstract val maxWidth: Int

The maximum x coordinate that is valid which can be stored.

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The indices of all rows in the matrix

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open override val validator: (Int, Int) -> Boolean

For copying allow retrieving the/a validator function

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open val width: Int

The width of the matrix. This is effectively the same as maxWidth.


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Get all elements in the matrix as sequence.

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open fun contentEquals(other: Matrix<*>): Boolean

Determine whether the content of this matrix is the same as the other by checking equality on the cell values. Sparse matrices with different dimensions, but the same valid indices can be equal.

abstract fun contentEquals(other: BooleanMatrix): Boolean
open override fun contentEquals(other: SparseMatrix<*>): Boolean
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abstract override fun copyOf(): MutableBooleanMatrix

Creates a copy of the matrix of an appropriate type with the same content.

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open fun fill(value: Boolean)

Helper function to set values

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inline fun <T> MutableSparseMatrix<T>.fill(setter: (Int, Int) -> T)

Helper function to set values into a MutableSparseMatrix.

inline fun MutableSparseBooleanMatrix.fill(setter: (Int, Int) -> Boolean)

Helper function to set values into a MutableSparseBooleanMatrix.

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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in Boolean>)
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inline fun <T> Matrix<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit)

Perform the action for each value in the matrix. This version uses the non-sparse nature of the matrix.

inline fun <T> SparseMatrix<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit)

Perform the action for each value in the (sparse) matrix.

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inline fun Matrix<*>.forEachIndex(action: (Int, Int) -> Unit)

Perform the action for each index in the matrix. This version uses the non-sparse nature of the matrix.

inline fun SparseMatrix<*>.forEachIndex(action: (Int, Int) -> Unit)

Perform the action for each index in the (sparse) matrix. This skips sparse indices.

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open operator fun get(pos: Coordinate): Boolean
abstract operator fun get(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

Whatever the actual type, allow them to be read to read any value. Implementations are expected to use more precise return types.

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open override fun isValid(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean

This implementation will just check that the coordinates are in range. There should be no reason to no use this default implementation.

open fun isValid(pos: Coordinate): Boolean

This function can be used to determine whether the given coordinates are valid. Returns true if valid. This function works on any value for the coordinates and should return false for all values out of range (x<0 || x>=[maxWidth]), (y<0 || y>=[maxHeight]).

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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<Boolean>

Get an iterator over all elements in the (sparse) matrix.

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inline fun <T, R> Matrix<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Matrix<R>

A map function that creates a new matrix with each cell mapped by transform.

inline fun <T, R> SparseMatrix<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): SparseMatrix<R>

A map function that creates a new (sparse) matrix with each cell mapped by transform.

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inline fun <T> Matrix<T>.mapBoolean(transform: (T) -> Boolean): BooleanMatrix

A map implementation that creates a boolean matrix based upon the receiver and the transformation function.

inline fun <T> SparseMatrix<T>.mapBoolean(transform: (T) -> Boolean): SparseBooleanMatrix

A map implementation that creates a boolean sparse matrix based upon the receiver and the transformation function.

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inline fun <T> Matrix<T>.mapInt(transform: (T) -> Int): IntMatrix

Create a new IntMatrix with the dimensions of the original where the value of each cell is the result of applying the transform to the value of the cell in the original.

inline fun <T> SparseMatrix<T>.mapInt(transform: (T) -> Int): SparseIntMatrix

Create a new SparseIntMatrix with the dimensions of the original where the value of each cell is the result of applying the transform to the value of the cell in the original.

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open operator fun set(pos: Coordinate, value: Boolean)
abstract operator fun set(x: Int, y: Int, value: Boolean)

Set a specific value in the matrix

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