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class SerialDelegate(val name: VNCName, val mixed: VBoolean? = null, val abstract: VBoolean? = null, val final: Set<VDerivationControl.Complex>? = null, val block: Set<VDerivationControl.Complex>? = null, val complexContent: XSComplexContent? = null, val simpleContent: XSSimpleContent? = null, val term: XSComplexContent.XSIDerivationParticle?, val asserts: List<XSAssert> = emptyList(), val attributes: List<XSLocalAttribute> = emptyList(), val attributeGroups: List<XSAttributeGroupRef> = emptyList(), val anyAttribute: XSAnyAttribute? = null, val openContent: XSOpenContent? = null, val defaultAttributesApply: Boolean? = null, val id: VID? = null, val annotation: XSAnnotation? = null, val otherAttrs: Map<@Serializable(with = QNameSerializer::class) QName, String> = emptyMap())
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